This page provides some best practices for creating a video, radio, or design PSA. Please review the tips below and the past winners’ PSAs. We hope you’re inspired to create a PSA that is original and impactful. For a comprehensive list of guidelines, please see the Official Rules. For more details, please read our FAQ.
Overall Tips
Start by mapping out an idea on paper. Write down as many ideas as possible, then go through your list and pick your favorite(s). Take those favorites and expand upon them but ensure that your ideas are original. You can check that your ideas are original by doing a quick Google or internet search of your concept or keywords.
Tell a story and be creative
Don’t overthink this project. We want you to tell a short story in the form of a video, radio spot or billboard design. We’re looking for a well-made PSA, but we also want you to talk to your peers. Here are a few questions to ask yourself as you’re crafting that message to share with your peers
- People know that using their phone while driving is dangerous but they do it anyway. How can you help ensure that your friends stay safe when driving?
- A lot of distracted driving prevention creative uses scare tactics or preachy messaging to address the consequences of using your phone while driving. How can you craft the message in a positive way? For example, instead of focusing on the consequences of distracted driving, how can you address why people even think they can use their phone while driving in the first place?
- What would influence you to drive safely? How can you turn that into a PSA?
We know we’re asking you to deal with a serious topic, but your submission doesn’t have to be overly serious. You have creative license to use humor, popular culture, personal impact, or whatever moves you. Be creative and just make sure that your creative execution is in good taste, is non-partisan and not affiliated with any specific religion, comes from your heart, and adheres to the Official Rules.
Capture attention
The first thing you must do is capture the attention of other teens and young adults. You need to create something they will notice and want to check out. There should be some sort of entertainment value and immediate attraction to your PSA.
Remember that you can make a difference
People wait their entire lives to create positive change in our society. Through this project, we are offering you that opportunity now. You have a unique, authentic voice and point of view that can reach your peers in ways that adults cannot. Collectively, we can start a movement. YOU can start a movement. It’s not only possible; it’s probable.
Inspiration and Best Practices
First, check out past winners here.
Make sure your video is:
- 10 or 25 seconds in length.
- Shot horizontally (if using a smartphone).
- Has clear and understandable audio or music, if applicable. You can also preview music available for download, see below.
- Accurate. If you use any statistics, use those available on NHTSA’s Distracted Driving Page. But please note that you don’t have to use statistics to drive your point home!
- Original. Do not use any design elements that are not of your creation (stock photos, emojis, Apple or other branding, etc.). Avoid (or blur) all branding in your submission You can use existing design elements that are not of your creation as inspiration, but do not copy or use them directly in your work.
Billboard Design
Inspiration and Best Practices
Please review the Clear Channel Outdoor best practices guide for tips on making effective outdoor advertising.
Make sure your billboard design is:
- Limited to 7 words or less.
- Simple. Don’t include background that is distracting or confusing.
- Clear and understandable. Viewers only have a few seconds to understand your billboard message, so make it clear and easy-to-read.
- Not confused with any traffic or road signs. Your design should not include road signage or any font/color schemes that imitate official road signals or traffic directions. This could be confusing to drivers.
- Original. Do not use any design elements that are not of your creation (stock photos, emojis, Apple or other branding, etc.). Avoid (or blur) all branding in your submission. You can use existing design elements that are not of your creation as inspiration, but do not copy or use them directly.
Inspiration and Best Practices
Please review the iHeartRadio best practices guide for tips here.
Make sure your radio spot is
- 20 seconds in length.
- Not distracting; do not use any loud or alarming sounds, including – but not limited to – phone notification sounds, crash sounds or sirens. Keep in mind that folks will likely hear the winning radio spot as they’re driving, so we don’t want any sounds that might distract them.
- Speak clearly, loudly, and distinctly. We must be able to not only hear what you say but be able to clearly understand it.
- Accurate. If you use any statistics, use those available on NHTSA’s Distracted Driving Page or But please note that you don’t have to use statistics to drive your point home!
- Original. Do not use any elements that are not of your creation. You can use existing elements that are not of your creation as inspiration, but do not copy or use them directly
Other Resources
Official Rules
Please review the Official Rules.
Music for Download
Click the link to Jingle Punks below to download an MP3 for use in your video (in some browsers, you will need to right click and save to your desktop). These songs are provided for use in the Project Yellow Light/Hunter Garner Scholarship contest only. Any other use of this music is prohibited. You may use an original piece of music you have express permission to use in your submission if preferred (we’ll ask for proof of permissions if selected as a winner).
We’ve also partnered with Jingle Punks this year to provide an amazing selection of music. Click here to request special access to the Jingle Punks music library.

All music provided here is strictly for the express purpose of the Project Yellow Light/Hunter Garner Scholarship video contest. Any other use of this music is prohibited.
Facts and Statistics
Check out these links for facts and statistics on distracted driving. Please note that you do not need to use facts or statistics in your submission, but if you choose to do so, they should be sourced from the below links and reflect data from the most recent year available.
Thanks to all our partners
Ad Council, Clear Channel Outdoor, Elephant Insurance, iHeartMedia, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), National 4-H Council, and PIX 11. Additional thanks to Watson Mowry CPA and Jingle Punks for donating their services.