Official Rules
1. Eligibility.
The “Project Yellow Light/Hunter Garner Scholarship” (“Contest”) consists of three competitions, one for Video, one for Billboard Design and one for Radio. All competitions have two levels, one for high school juniors and seniors at the time of entry (“HS Contest”) and one for undergraduate college, trade school and vocational students at the time of entry (“College/Trade school Contest”). The Contest is open to legal residents of the 50 United States and the District of Columbia, who, at the time of entry, are between the ages of 14 and 25 and are:
- High school juniors and seniors at the time of entry who will complete their high school graduation requirements by July 2025 or 2026 and who intend to attend a U.S. accredited college or university or trade school or vocational training beginning in the fall of 2025 or 2026 (the “High School Criteria”);
- Undergraduate college or university students (or the equivalent thereof) who are currently attending a U.S. accredited college or university or trade school or vocational training at time of entry (the “College/Trade School Criteria”). The High School Criteria and the College/Trade School Criteria are collectively referred to as the “Eligibility Criteria.”
Entrants into the HS Contest must meet the High School Criteria. Entrants into the College/Trade School Contest must meet the College/Trade School Criteria. Potential winners must be able to present proof of eligibility and failure to provide proof may result in disqualification. Judges of the Contest, including immediate family members (children, siblings) of employees of Project Yellow Light (“PYL”) (the “Sponsor”), the Advertising Council, Inc. (“Ad Council” ), Clear Channel Outdoor, Elephant Insurance, iHeartMedia, Inc. (“iHeartRadio”), National 4-H Council, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (“NHTSA”), and Nexstar, Inc. d/b/a WPIX (“PIX11”) or their respective parent companies, subsidiaries, affiliates, and advertising and promotional agencies and anyone involved in the development, production, distribution of materials for, judging or coordination of this Contest (collectively, the “Contest Parties”), and persons living in the same household of such employees whether or not related, are not eligible to enter or win. Entrants may enter individually or as part of a Team (a “Team”) consisting of no more than four (4) members. If entering as part of a Team, the Team must designate one person as the group’s designated agent for purposes of the Contest who must enter the Team as set forth in Paragraph 3 below. For the purposes of these Official Rules, where a Video, Billboard Design or Radio Spot (as defined below) is submitted on behalf of a single individual, “Entrant” or “Primary Entrant” means the individual whose name and contact information is entered on the entry form. Where a Video, Billboard Design or Radio Spot is submitted on behalf of a Team, “Entrant” means all members of the Team, individually and collectively, and “Primary Entrant” means the designated agent for the Team. Each member of a Team must meet all the Eligibility Criteria for the Team to be eligible to enter the Contest. In other words, if a Team is entering the HS Contest, all members of the Team must meet the High School Criteria. If a Team is entering the College/Trade School Contest, all members of the Team must meet the College/Trade School Criteria.
2. Contest Period.
The Video contest begins October 31, 2024 at 12:00:01 a.m. ET and ends April 1, 2025 at 11:59:59 p.m. ET (the “Video Contest Period”). The Billboard Design contest begins October 31, 2024 at 12:00:01 a.m. ET and ends March 1, 2025 at 11:59:59 p.m. ET (the “Billboard Design Contest Period”). The Radio contest begins October 31, 2024 at 12:00:01 a.m. ET and ends April 1, 2025 at 11:59:59 p.m. ET (the “Radio Contest Period”). PYL’s clock is the official clock for the purposes of this Contest.
3. How to Enter.
Primary Entrants for the Video contest must be a registered member of YouTube* in order to submit an entry.
4. Important Reminders.
Applicants must be a high school junior or senior OR a full-time undergraduate college, trade school or vocational student to be eligible for this Contest.
All persons, even animated characters, must wear seat belts, and no footage should be used of people, characters or otherwise, actually engaging in distracted driving. This includes but is not limited to, sending text messages, messaging via an app, commenting on photos, engaging on social media, etc.
Do not use any design elements that are not of your creation (stock photos, emojis, Apple or any other branding, etc.). and avoid (or blur) all branding in your submission.
Entrants acknowledge that their submission may be similar or identical, in whole or in part, to another submission from current or past contests; that any such similarity does not implicate or infringe any rights of Entrant; and that Entrants expressly waive their right to claim any infringement of their rights.
To Enter, Complete the Following Steps:
For the Video contest:
- Step 1: During the Video Contest Period, visit the Contest website located at (the “Website”) and read the Video submission requirements and tips and background about the Contest.
- Step 2: Create a video (the “Video”) featuring the importance of avoiding distracted driving. The Video should be exactly 10 seconds in length or exactly 25 seconds and must meet the Entry Criteria and Objectives in Paragraph 4 below.
- Step 3: Review and accept the Official Rules of the Contest.
- Step 4: Entrants may enter individually or as part of a Team of no more than four (4) members. If entering as part of a Team, the Team’s Primary Entrant must submit his/her contact information on the entry form, list the names of his/her Team members on the entry form, and use his/her YouTube account for the Video entry. Once the Video is created, submit the Video for entry into the Contest by the end of the Video Contest Period. To submit the Video, go to the Apply section of the Website ( and complete the Contest entry form with your name, city, state, email address and phone number (and names of Team members, if applicable). Be sure to properly choose whether your Video is being entered into the HS Contest or the College/Trade School Contest. Copy and paste your Video’s YouTube link in the space provided. Video should be marked as unlisted (to learn how to mark a video as unlisted, visit:
- LIMIT: Three entries per person, regardless of whether an Entrant made an individual or Team entry. Additional entries after the first three entries from the same Entrant (whether individually or as part of a Team) will be void. Each Primary Entrant can only win a single prize across all three categories (video, billboard design and radio).
- Step 1: During the Billboard Design Contest Period, visit the Contest website located at (the “Website”) and read the design submission requirements and tips and background about the Contest.
- Step 2: Create a billboard design featuring the importance of avoiding distracted driving (the “Billboard Design”). The “Billboard Design” should adhere to the specifications set forth in the Digital Bulletin Production Requirements.
- Step 3: Review and accept the Official Rules of the Contest.
- Step 4: Entrants may enter individually or as part of a Team of no more than four (4) members. If entering as part of a Team, the Team’s Primary Entrant must submit his/her contact information on the entry form and list the names of his/her Team members on the entry form. Once the Billboard Design is created, submit the Billboard Design for entry into the Contest by the end of the Billboard Design Contest Period. To submit the Billboard Design, go to the Apply section of the Website ( and complete the Contest entry form with your name, city, state, email address and phone number (and names of Team members, if applicable). Be sure to properly choose whether your Billboard Design is being entered into the HS Contest or the College/Trade School Contest. Upload your Billboard Design in the space provided.
- LIMIT: Three entries per person, regardless of whether an Entrant made an individual or Team entry. Additional entries after the first three entries from the same Entrant (whether individually or as part of a Team) will be void. Each Primary Entrant can only win a single prize across all three categories (video, billboard design and radio).
- NOTE: Entries may not include road signage or any color or font schemes that imitate official road signs, traffic directional signs or might confused as such.
- Step 1: During the Radio Contest Period, visit the Contest website located at (the “Website”) and read the radio submission requirements and tips and background about the Contest.
- Step 2: Create a radio recording highlighting the importance of avoiding distracted driving (“Radio Spot”). The Radio Spot record should be 20 seconds and adhere to the specifications set forth in the Radio Recording Requirements.
- Step 3: Review and accept the Official Rules of the Contest.
- Step 4: Entrants may enter individually or as part of a Team of no more than four (4) members. If entering as part of a Team, the Team’s Primary Entrant must submit his/her contact information on the entry form and list the names of his/her Team members on the entry form. Once the Radio Spot is created, submit the Radio Spot for entry into the Contest by the end of the Radio Contest Period. To submit the Radio Spot, go to the Apply section of the Website ( and complete the Contest entry form with your name, city, state, email address and phone number (and names of Team members, if applicable). Be sure to properly choose whether your Radio Spot is being entered into the HS Contest or the College/Trade School Contest. Upload your Radio Spot in the space provided.
- LIMIT: Three entries per person, regardless of whether an Entrant made an individual or Team entry. Additional entries after the first three entries from the same Entrant (whether individually or as part of a Team) will be void. Each Primary Entrant can only win a single prize across all three categories (video, billboard design and radio).
- NOTE: Since the winning Radio Spots may play as people are driving, please do not include noises or dialogue that could be distracting as it may impair driving. This includes, but is not limited to, loud noises, car crash sound effects, loud music, etc.
For the Billboard Design contest:
- Step 1: During the Billboard Design Contest Period, visit the Contest website located at (the “Website”) and read the design submission requirements and tips and background about the Contest.
- Step 2: Create a billboard design featuring the importance of avoiding distracted driving (the “Billboard Design”). The “Billboard Design” should adhere to the specifications set forth in the Digital Bulletin Production Requirements.
- Step 3: Review and accept the Official Rules of the Contest.
- Step 4: Entrants may enter individually or as part of a Team of no more than four (4) members. If entering as part of a Team, the Team’s Primary Entrant must submit his/her/their contact information on the entry form and list the names of his/her/their Team members on the entry form. Once the Billboard Design is created, submit the Billboard Design for entry into the Contest by the end of the Billboard Design Contest Period. To submit the Billboard Design, go to the Apply section of the Website ( and complete the Contest entry form with your name, city, state, email address and phone number (and names of Team members, if applicable). Be sure to properly choose whether your Billboard Design is being entered into the HS Contest or the College/Trade School Contest. Upload your Billboard Design in the space provided.
- LIMIT: Three entries per person, regardless of whether an Entrant made an individual or Team entry. Additional entries after the first three entries from the same Entrant (whether individually or as part of a Team) will be void. Each Primary Entrant can only win a single prize across all three categories (video, billboard design and radio).
- NOTE: Entries may not include road signage or any color or font schemes that imitate official road signs, traffic directional signs or might confused as such.
For the Radio contest:
- Step 1: During the Radio Contest Period, visit the Contest website located at (the “Website”) and read the radio submission requirements and tips and background about the Contest.
- Step 2: Create a radio recording highlighting the importance of avoiding distracted driving (“Radio Spot”). The Radio Spot record should be 20 seconds and adhere to the specifications set forth in the Radio Recording Requirements.
- Step 3: Review and accept the Official Rules of the Contest.
- Step 4: Entrants may enter individually or as part of a Team of no more than four (4) members. If entering as part of a Team, the Team’s Primary Entrant must submit his/her/their contact information on the entry form and list the names of his/her/their Team members on the entry form. Once the Radio Spot is created, submit the Radio Spot for entry into the Contest by the end of the Radio Contest Period. To submit the Radio Spot, go to the Apply section of the Website ( and complete the Contest entry form with your name, city, state, email address and phone number (and names of Team members, if applicable). Be sure to properly choose whether your Radio Spot is being entered into the HS Contest or the College/Trade School Contest. Upload your Radio Spot in the space provided.
- LIMIT: Three entries per person, regardless of whether an Entrant made an individual or Team entry. Additional entries after the first three entries from the same Entrant (whether individually or as part of a Team) will be void. Each Primary Entrant can only win a single prize across all three categories (video, billboard design and radio).
- NOTE: Since the winning Radio Spots may play as people are driving, please do not include noises or dialogue that could be distracting as it may impair driving. This includes, but is not limited to, loud noises, car crash sound effects, loud music, etc.
*No Sponsorship or endorsement of the Contest Parties by YouTube is intended or implied, nor is YouTube associated with the Contest in any way.
5. Entry Criteria and Objectives.
Videos, Billboard Designs and Radio Spots should target teens and young adult drivers, including those who are new to driving or have been on the road for a few years. Entries should focus on the importance of avoiding distractions while driving, specifically using a phone while driving. Videos, Billboard Designs and Radio Spots may include other people, but Entrants must have permission from all individuals who appear in or are mentioned in the Video, Billboard Design or Radio Spots to use their name, voice and/or image and they must be willing to grant the rights set forth in these Official Rules. If they are not willing, please do not use them in your entry. If requested, Entrants must be able to provide Sponsor with such permission on a form acceptable to Sponsor.
If the Video, Billboard Design or Radio Spot includes any facts and statistics, those facts and/or statistics must come from This website provides the most up-to-date and factually correct date related to distracted driving. Given that statistics can change from year to year, we recommend producing creative that does not rely heavily on statistics.
Videos must:
- Be either exactly 10 seconds or 25 seconds in length.
- Be original.
- Be in English.
- If the Video includes music, then the music must be provided by PYL through PYL’s music library on the Resources page at OR original music written, performed and owned by solely by Entrant OR music that you have express written permission to use and license. If you are using music for which you have written permission, PYL must approve all such written permissions to ensure that they are unlimited, freely transferable, perpetual, and otherwise grant PYL all necessary rights.
- Follow the following technical specifications:
Video submission guidelines:
- Be in .MOV, .MPEG, or .AVI
- The use of a consumer or “prosumer” camera, preferably high-definition (HD) quality;
- Film resolution for all footage must be at least 720 x 480;
- If an iPhone or some form of a flip camera is used, please shoot footage horizontally, not vertically;
- Overall, please select the highest resolution possible with any camera use
Preferred formats:
- Apple ProRes 422 (HQ)
- 1920×1080, millions
- 29.97fps
- 24 – Bit Integer
- Stereo
- 48khz
Billboard Designs must:
- Be a horizontal image.
- Be original.
- Be in English.
- Follow outdoor advertising best practices
- Follow the technical specifications for Clear Channel Outdoor Digital Bulletin Production
Billboard Design submission guidelines:
- Art Pixel Dimension: 400×1400 pixels
- Color Mode: RGB
- File Type: Uncompressed JPG and associated native files (Photoshop, Adobe InDesign, etc.) so Ad Council can edit appropriately should submission be selected as winner
- Spec artboard layout available for download here
Overall, please select the highest resolution possible when taking photos or creating artwork for inclusion in your design.
Radio Spots must:
- Not include any brand names of products on your submission (e.g. Ford, iPhone).
- Be exactly 20 seconds long, but please extend the stock music, background noise/audio, sound effects, etc., for an additional ten seconds. The Ad Council will be adding a 10 second voice-over end tag to the end of your spot (thus, creating an entire 30 second radio PSA).
- Use music provided on this site or that you otherwise have the express permission to use and license.
- Be .mp3, .wav or .aiff format, outputted as 2-channel Stereo. Audio in other formats will not be accepted. (Please see accepted audio files on chart below.)
- Have a transcript included with the entry.
- Be original.
- Be in English.
- Make an effort to follow radio recording best practices and tips outlined below
- Please refrain from using a cell phone (iPhone) to record your Radio Spot because the quality will be jeopardized. Professional grade equipment/software is best: Adobe Audition, Audacity, Soundtrack Pro, etc. Please check with your school’s library or local library to see if you can borrow this equipment.
- If recording in multiple locations/studios, please be mindful of the background noise, since it could be captured in your recording. The clearer the audio, the better. Too many noises and sound effects can distract or confuse the listener.
Other tips found online (may be helpful for those new to recording radio):
The entry may NOT:
- Show Entrants or anyone else driving under distracted conditions.
- Contain material that violates or infringes another’s rights, including but not limited to privacy, publicity or intellectual property rights, or that constitutes copyright infringement;
- Disparage Sponsor or any of the other Contest Parties affiliated with the promotion and administration of this Contest;
- Feature brand names or trademarks;
- Contain artwork (including, but not limited to, stock images and designs) created by anyone other than the Entrant;
- Include any content (such as text, images, or videos) that have been created using generative artificial intelligence tools. This includes, but is not limited to, AI-generated illustrations, written content, animations, and any other media produced by AI technologies. All submitted materials should be original and created by human effort to ensure authenticity and originality.
- Contain music, other than music provided by Sponsor through Sponsor’s music library which can be accessed from the Resources page, original music created and owned by Entrant, or music that Entrant has express written permission to use and license;
- Contain content that is inappropriate, indecent, obscene, hateful, tortious, defamatory, slanderous or libelous;
- Contain content that promotes bigotry, racism, hatred or harm against any group or individual or promotes discrimination based on race, gender, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation or age;
- Contain material that is unlawful, in violation of or contrary to the laws or regulations of the U.S.
Winning Entrants must provide PYL with their Video, Billboard Design or Radio Spot in its original format. For the Video contest, Entrants must provide all original unused footage taken when making the Video as the winning entry will have the opportunity for their Video to be considered for use as a Public Service Announcement (“PSA”), in the Sponsor’s sole discretion. Please retain a copy of your Video entry and all related Video footage and materials. Failure to do so may result in disqualification and selection of an alternate winner. For the Billboard Design contest, Entrants must provide all the original artwork as the winning entry will have the opportunity for their Billboard Design to be considered as a PSA, in the Sponsor’s sole discretion. Please keep all artwork and related materials. Failure to do so may result in disqualification and selection of an alternate winner. For the Radio contest, Entrants must provide all original audio as the winning entry will have the opportunity for their Radio to be considered as a PSA, in the Sponsor’s sole discretion. Please keep all related materials. Failure to do so may result in disqualification and selection of an alternate winner.
6. Judging Criteria.
All eligible entries received will be judged by a qualified panel of judges as well as representatives from Project Yellow Light/Hunter Garner Scholarship, Ad Council, Clear Channel Outdoor, Elephant Insurance, iHeartRadio, Martin Agency, National 4-H Council, NHTSA, PIX11 and a select group of experts on the basis of the following equally weighted criteria (collectively, the “Judging Criteria”):
- Ability to capture attention of others — specifically, the attention of your peers;
- Ability to persuade others to alter driving habits — the Video, Billboard Design or Radio Spot must resonate with young adults and move them to be better drivers;
- Clarity of message — there needs to be an understandable, well-structured message in your Video, Billboard Design, or Radio Spot;
- Creative expression – the Video, Billboard Design, or Radio Spot should show creativity and personal expression;
- Quality of Video– Videos should have good production quality (images, sound, etc.) — the Video doesn’t have to be polished but needs to be well put together;
- Quality of Billboard Design – Billboard Designs should have good production quality (image, wording, photography, etc.) – the Billboard Design doesn’t have to be polished but needs to be well created; and
- Quality of Radio Spot – Radio Spot should have good production quality (sound, music, etc.)
In the event of a tie, an additional tie-breaking judge selected by Contest Parties will determine the winner between the tied Entrants based on the Judging Criteria.
7. Winner Notification and Verification.
The potential winning Video Entrants will be notified on or about May 30, 2025 via the phone number and/or email address provided by Primary Entrant during registration. The potential winning Radio Entrants will be notified on or about May 30, 2025, via the phone number and/or email address provided by Primary Entrant during registration. The potential winning Billboard Design Entrants will be notified on or about May 30, 2025 via the phone number and/or email address provided by Primary Entrant during registration. The potential winning Entrant (and all members of Entrant’s Team if entered as a Team) must execute and return to Sponsor within five (5) business days after the date of receipt or other date specified by Sponsor (i) an affidavit of eligibility; (ii) a publicity release (where legal); (iii) a liability release; (iv) an assignment of rights in and to the potential winner’s submission; and (v) if requested, an agreement waiving any union or other fees for the broadcast of the PSA (collectively, the “Releases”). If any potential winning Entrant is under the age of majority in the state in which he/she resides, then the parents or legal guardian of the potential winning Entrant must execute and return the Releases. If the potential winner(s) (i) cannot be reached or does not respond to notification within forty-eight (48) hours (for a Team this means the Primary Entrant), (ii) fails to sign and return a completely executed set of Releases within the designated time period, or (iii) fails to comply with these Official Rules, the potential winner(s) may be disqualified, in the sole discretion of Sponsor, and in such case will forfeit the prize. If a potential winner is disqualified for any reason, then Sponsor will choose the Entrant with the next highest score as the alternate potential winner. If any Team member of a group Entrant is disqualified for any reason, the entire Team will be disqualified. In the event of a dispute as to the identity of an Entrant, entry will be deemed made by the authorized account holder of the email address submitted at the time of entry. The “authorized account holder” is the natural person who is assigned to the email address by an internet access provider, online service provider, or other organization that is responsible for assigning email addresses or the domain associated with the submitted email addresses or the domain associated with the submitted email address. Potential winners may be required to show proof of being the authorized account holder.
8. Prizes.
Video Contest:
One (1) first place prize will be awarded in the HS Contest and the College/Trade School Contest for a total of two (2) prizes.
The two (2) winning Entrants (one from the HS Contest and one from the College/Trade School Contest) will each receive an $8,000 scholarship, and their Video will have the opportunity to be considered for uses as the basis for a PSA for the Ad Council, which could be distributed nationally to over 1,800 television stations beginning in June 2025. The approximate retail value of the PSA is indeterminable.
Billboard Design contest:
One (1) first place prize will be awarded in the HS Contest and the College/Trade School Contest for a total of two (2) prizes.
The two (2) winning Entrants (one from the HS Contest and one from the College/Trade School Contest) will each receive a $2,000 scholarship and their Billboard Design will have the opportunity to be considered for use as the basis for an Out of Home/Outdoor PSA by the Ad Council, which could be displayed on billboards across the nation. The approximate retail value of the PSA is indeterminable.
Radio Contest:
One (1) first place prize will be awarded in the HS Contest and the College/Trade School Contest for a total of two (2) prizes.
The two (2) winning Entrants (one from the HS Contest and one from the College/Trade School Contest) will each receive a $2,000 scholarship and their Radio Spot will have the opportunity to be considered for use as the basis for a PSA by the Ad Council, which could be aired on iHeartRadio radio stations and other radio stations across the nation. The approximate retail value of the PSA is indeterminable.
9. Prize Conditions.
If a prize-winning Video, Billboard Design or Radio Spot was submitted by a Team Entrant, then the prize will be divided equally among all members of the Team included on the entry form. No substitution of any prize is offered. Scholarships will be awarded in the form of a check and must be used solely toward educational expenses. These expenses include fees for attending an accredited U.S. college or university, trade school, or vocational training school. Additionally, the scholarship funds may be used for costs associated with Advanced Placement (AP) exams, preparatory courses, entrance exams, and any other necessary expenditures related to these educational pursuits. PRIZE WINNING ENTRANTS ARE LIABLE FOR ALL TAXES IN CONNECTION WITH ANY PRIZE AWARDED HEREUNDER. Winning Entrants hereby agree and acknowledge that Sponsor may be required to prepare an IRS FORM 1099 for Entrant and supply such information (which may include copy of photo identification, birth date and social security number) to the local, state, and federal taxing agency in accordance with all applicable laws. In the event of waiver or forfeiture of a prize, the Sponsor may substitute or select an alternative potential winner. If a prize, or any portion thereof, for any reason cannot be awarded, Sponsor reserves the right to substitute such prize with another prize of equal or greater value, as determined by Sponsor in its sole discretion. Sponsor reserves the right to increase scholarship prize values, in its sole discretion. Winning Entrants must provide Sponsor with the original files and all related footage taken when making the Video, or Radio Spot, or artwork when making the Billboard Design. Any individuals in the Video, Billboard Design or Radio Spot of a winning entry must sign agreements waiving any union or other fees for the broadcast or display of the PSA in such forms as may be required by Sponsor or applicable unions before the entry can be considered for potential use as a PSA. Failure to sign such forms may result in disqualification at Sponsor’s sole discretion.
10. Grant of Rights and Publicity.
By submitting a Video, Radio Spot or Billboard Design in this Contest, all Entrants grant to Contest Parties an exclusive worldwide, perpetual, unlimited, irrevocable, royalty-free right and license (the “License”) to use, edit, adapt, modify, reproduce, publicly display, publish, publicly perform, transcode, make derivative works from, or otherwise make any use of their Video, Billboard Design or Radio Spot (and if a winner, the related raw unused Video footage or Billboard Design artwork or Radio Spot recording) in any media and content whether now existing or later invented without any restrictions, right of approval or advance notification to the Entrants of any kind, for commercial or non-commercial purposes, including without limitation, in future trade, publicity and/or advertising for such Contest Parties products and/or services, unless prohibited by law. The winning Entrants further grant to Contest Parties a License to use the winner’s individual name (first and/or last), hometown, place of residence, photo, image, voice, and likeness, in connection with the Contest and/or Video, Radio Spot or Billboard Design in any manner and in any media and content whether now existing or later invented without any restrictions, right of approval or advance notification to the Entrants of any kind, for commercial or non-commercial purposes, including without limitation, in future trade, publicity and/or advertising for such Contest Parties products and/or services, unless prohibited by law. Entrants further agree: (i) that Contest Parties may exercise any and all rights hereunder without attribution, notification or compensation to Entrants; (ii) that Contest Parties shall have the right to freely transfer, assign or sublicense their rights hereunder, in whole or in part, to any other person or entity, without notification or approval by Entrant; (iii) that Contest Parties shall have no obligation (express or implied) to use the entry in any manner and Entrants shall not be entitled to any damages or other relief by reason of Contest Parties use or non-use of Entrants’ submission; (iv) to be bound by these Official Rules and the decisions of the judges; (v) that Entrants may be contacted by Contest Parties by telephone, mail or email regarding this Contest; and (vi) to sign and deliver to Contest Parties such documents as Contest Parties may reasonably require to effectuate the rights granted herein.
11. Representations and Warranties and Indemnification.
Entrants represent and warrant that: (i) the entry is Entrants’ original work; (ii) the entry does not infringe upon the copyrights, trademarks, rights of privacy, publicity or other intellectual property or other rights of any person or entity; (iii) Entrants have obtained written permission from each person whose name, likeness, voice or other intellectual property is used in the entry; and (iv) the publication of the entry (or related Video footage, Billboard Design artwork or Radio Spot recording) by Contest Parties will not infringe the rights of any third party. Entrants will indemnify and hold harmless, Sponsor and the other Contest Parties from any third party claims to the contrary and any third party claims arising out of or related to Entrants’ Video, Billboard Design, or Radio Spot (or related footage or artwork) or participation in the Contest.
12. Limitations of Liability and Release.
Sponsor and other Contest Parties are not responsible for: (i) technical problems or technical malfunction which may affect the operation of the Contest, including, but not limited to, any of the following occurrences (a) hardware or software errors; (b) faulty computer, telephone, cable, satellite, network, electronic, wireless or Internet connectivity or other online communication problems; (c) errors or limitations of any Internet Service Provider (“ISP”), servers, hosts or providers; (d) garbled, jumbled or faulty data transmissions; (e) failure of any e-mail transmissions to be sent to or received; (f) any inability to upload or download any information in connection with participation in the Contest; (g) inaccessibility of the Website, in whole or in part for any reason; or (h) lost, late, delayed, corrupted or intercepted e-mail, Website, or Video transmissions; (ii) unauthorized human or non-human intervention of the operation of the Contest, including without limitation, unauthorized tampering, hacking, theft, virus, bugs, worms; (iii) destruction of any aspect of the Contest, or loss, miscount, misdirection, inaccessibility or unavailability of an account used in connection with the Contest, including but not limited to, undeliverable contact attempts that result from any form of active or passive e-mail filtering or for insufficient space in Entrant’s account to receive e-mail; (iv) any typographical errors in the announcement of prizes or these Official Rules, or any inaccurate or incorrect data contained on the Website; and (v) any personal injury, or property damage or losses of any kind which may be sustained to user’s or any other person’s computer equipment resulting from participation in the Contest, use of the Website, or the download of any information from the Website. BY ENTERING, EACH ENTRANT AGREES FOR ENTRANT AND FOR ENTRANT’S HEIRS, EXECUTORS, AND ADMINISTRATORS TO RELEASE AND HOLD HARMLESS THE CONTEST PARTIES, YOUTUBE AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES AND THEIR RESPECTIVE AFFILIATES, PARENTS, OWNERS, FRANCHISEES, OFFICERS, DIRECTORS AND EMPLOYEES (COLLECTIVELY, THE “RELEASED PARTIES”) FROM AND AGAINST ANY LIABILITY, CLAIM OR CAUSE OF ACTION (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES), INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PERSONAL INJURY, DEATH, OR DAMAGE TO OR LOSS OF PROPERTY, WHETHER CAUSED BY NEGLIGENCE OR NOT, ARISING OUT OF PARTICIPATION IN THE CONTEST OR RECEIPT OR USE OR MISUSE OF ANY PORTION OF THE PRIZE, ENTRY OR PARTICIPATION IN THE CONTEST OR IN ANY CONTEST OR PRIZE RELATED ACTIVITY, OR ANY ACCESS TO OR USE OF THE CONTEST WEBSITE, OR ANY CLAIMS BASED ON PUBLICITY RIGHTS, DEFAMATION OR INVASION OF PRIVACY, OR MERCHANDISE DELIVERY.
13. Third-party Notice of IP Infringement.
To the extent that any Video uploaded to YouTube appears to infringe upon the intellectual property interests of a third party, that third party should notify YouTube using its DMCA notification system (available at Contest Parties have no control over the content of Videos, and so take no responsibility for any Video that may infringe upon the intellectual property rights of another.
14. General Terms.
Sponsor or its designated representative has the right, but not the obligation, to monitor/screen Video, Radio, and Billboard Design submissions. By entering, Entrants acknowledge that Contest Parties have no obligation to use or post any Video, Billboard Design or Radio submission. If for any reason the Contest is not capable of running as planned, including infection by computer virus, bugs, tampering, unauthorized intervention, fraud, technical failures, or any other causes which corrupt or affect the administration, security, fairness, integrity or proper conduct of the Contest, Sponsor reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to cancel, modify or terminate the Contest or any portion thereof. ANY ATTEMPT BY AN ENTRANT OR OTHER INDIVIDUAL TO DELIBERATELY DAMAGE OR UNDERMINE THE LEGITIMATE OPERATION OF THIS PROMOTION, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY FRAUDULENT CLAIMS, MAY BE A VIOLATION OF CRIMINAL AND CIVIL LAWS – AND SHOULD SUCH AN ATTEMPT BE MADE, SPONSOR RESERVES THE RIGHT TO SEEK REMEDIES AND DAMAGES FROM ANY SUCH INDIVIDUAL TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, INCLUDING CRIMINAL PROSECUTION. Proof of making an entry will not be deemed to be proof of receipt by Sponsor. Any use of robotic, automatic, programmed or like entry methods will void all entries affected by such methods and be deemed tampering. Persons engaging in any of the foregoing activities may be disqualified. Sponsor’s failure to enforce any term of these Official Rules shall not constitute a waiver of that provision. By participating, Entrants agree to be bound by these Official Rules and the decisions of Sponsor and judges and waive any right to claim ambiguity in the Contest or these Official Rules. Sponsor reserves the right to make changes or additions to these Official Rules and/or change the dates of the Contest at any time.
15. Choice of Law.
This Contest is offered only in the United States and is governed by the laws of the State of Virginia. By entering, Entrants consent to the jurisdiction and venue of the federal, state and local courts located in Richmond, Virginia for the resolution of any disputes.
16. Privacy Policy.
Please read the Project Yellow Light privacy policy for more information about the Project Yellow Light information collection and use practices.
17. Winners List.
Winners’ names will be posted on the Website after the winners are confirmed. You may also mail-in for a winner’s list, by sending a self-addressed stamped envelope to: c/o Julie Garner, Project Yellow Light (at the address listed below).
18. Sponsor.
Project Yellow Light
Hunter Garner Scholarship
C/O Julie Garner
One Shockoe Plaza
Richmond, VA 23219.4132
(804) 698-8203